Project Management Tools

Project Management Tools


While going through the switch from PC to Mac I realized that there were some obvious shortcoming of using an OS that only ~5% (as of January 24, 2010) market share, currently I have been in search of a good project management software.

Current OS Statistics:


Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Operating System Market Share

After being indoctrinated for years in the aerospace industry to only use Microsoft Project, mostly for the purpose of making Gantt charts (seriously $1k to make a dang chart), I have been in search for alternatives to the old standby.  Here is a working list of some project management software for Windows, OS X, Linux and some cloud based solutions plus you can read about quickbook differences here.





Cross Platform (PC/Mac/Linux):

Cloud Based:

People who sent me info for Project Software:

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One thought on “Project Management Tools”

  1. How necessary is project dashboard? Does it help you save time and is it an basic feature of all tools mentioned here?

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